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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Baby Face Tuesday: Mr. Bryson

This week's Baby Face Tuesday is pretty special. I've known him for the past (almost) four years. And he's the first ginger to be featured on this blog besides Bradley, and that's pretty special all on it's own... ;)
Bryson Alexander


"Bryson is my grandfather's first name and he was my favorite by far! He was a great man with a huge heart and a love for the Lord. Alexander is Tony's dads name and Tony's brothers middle name. I wanted to be able to give both sides representation. as soon as we found out he was a boy, Bryson was his name. We really didn't have another boy option. Tony liked it and I loved it and my grandpa was tickled to death about it."
If he had been a girl: "Marris Jane. Tony picked that name. Marris is from the great Yankees baseball player, Roger Maris."
Future Sibling names: "I don't know if that name [Marris Jane] still stands if I am ever blessed with a girl. If I am blessed with another boy his name (for now) will be Landry Judson Corbin. I love the name Landry. Judson is Tony's middle name."
Thank you so much to Crystal for sharing Bryson's name story with the blog! And for the record, I think Marris and Landry go perfectly with Bryson. That wraps up another Baby Face Tuesday! Hope you guys are having a great week so far.

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